We Want Your Feedback!

November 24

On Monday, November 20th, the Ontario government launched consultations to explore opportunities to modernize the Veterinarians Act. The government’s first substantial review in 30 years will explore amendments to the legislative framework, opening the door to a new standard of veterinary medicine in Ontario that is modern and flexible.

As part of the first phase of consultations, you are invited to provide comments on modernizing the legislative framework to reduce red tape for veterinarians and make it easier to provide critical services to animal owners across Ontario. This will inform a discussion paper that will be posted to the Regulatory Registry in 2023. The government is seeking feedback on:

•            The scope of practice for veterinary medicine, such as the procedures, services and processes a licensed veterinarian or other veterinary professional, such as a veterinary technician, is permitted to perform in Ontario.

•            How to improve accountability and transparency to make sure that powers, responsibilities, and processes under the Act are clear to the public.

•            How to align oversight of the Ontario veterinary profession with other self-governing regulated professions in the province to ensure that the veterinary profession continues to be overseen in the public interest.

You can view the posting of the proposed changes and offer feedback at the links below:

•            English URL: https://www.ontario.ca/page/consultation-veterinarians-act-ontario

•            French URL: https://www.ontario.ca/fr/page/consultation-loi-sur-les-veterinaires-de-lontario

John Jordan, MPP- Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston

